Edge Flickering
Due to light scattering and free radical diffusion effect, edges of printed model tends to be larger than theoretical model. Using a lower exposure dosage may correct the diffusion at the risk of lowering printing success rate. In order to compensate diffusion effect with correct dosage, the "Edge Flickering" option is added to the Slice Parameters Interface.
(1) The gray area in demo graph at below is the slice at certain height.
(2) The bulk of the slice is exposed at full dosage, while the edge of the slice is flickered on for partial dosage.
(3) The bulk of full dosage ensures the printed model do not delaminate due to insufficient exposure, and the edge flicker adjusts the exposure dosage for accuracy.
(4)Edge Flickering will be displayed on LCD panel during exposure of each layer, the accuracy of flickering setting relies on pixel flickered and percentage of edge exposure dosage.
For SLASH2 which has 4k resolution, a typical setting for zDental Model Sand resin at 0.05mm layer thickness, the recommended setting would be 4 pixel edge mask (2 inside and 2 outside theoretical edge) and 17% edge exposure dosage.